AI Powered Codeless Test Automation

Create E2E test cases using plain english and run them parallel. Save hours of writing code or on manual testing.

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All the features you need in an test automation tool

AI powered selectors

Stop relying on flaky selectors based on XPath, CSS selectors or using div ids.

AI selectors allows you to write English descriptions to select elements based on visual appearance.

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AI powered assertions

Powerful assertions using state-of-the-art computer vision models.

Just describe what you expect in the screen using plain english.

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Who should use Qualitick?

For QA Teams

Automate the manual test cases without using automation frameworks.

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For Developers

Write test cases faster without coding. Connect your CI/CD system with Qualitick to automate tests.

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For PMs

Find bugs in your application. Automate to check if you application is working functionally fine.

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All the features you need in an test automation tool

Testing your software human-like by simulating intractions using AI powered vision, mouse and keyboard.

Visual Selector

Use AI powered visual selectors instead of juggling with XPath Variables and old ids that break all time


Human like interactions that simulate keyboard and mouse

Auto Wait

Qualitick is intelligent to wait for all requests to complete

Execution Recording

All your steps that are executed will be recorded to understand what went wrong

AI Assertions

Use powerful vision models to understand the page and generate assertions

Webhooks and CI

Setup webhooks or integrate with Github Actions, Circle CI or Jenkins to automatically run tests

Get started today

Automate your test cases save hours of manual work and dev’s time

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